Early Winter 2016: Education Appeal
Help us to preserve authentic Catholic Tradition through education: Instaurare omnia in Christo — per educationem
The District Newsletter keeps you up to date on the latest news and events around parishes and schools. Read how the District is developing as well as practical and spiritual exhortations from the superior himself.
Help us to preserve authentic Catholic Tradition through education: Instaurare omnia in Christo — per educationem
In this issue of the Regina Coeli Report, we discuss the importance of recreation and leisure, particularly for our youth.
Often, we ask for donations for a specific project or fundraising effort. This month, Fr. Wegner asks the faithful to look from afar...
Fr. Wegner speaks about the important role that Angelus Press fulfills in transmitting the Catholic Faith.
Fr. Wegner appeals for your support of Angelus Press' apostolate to arm Catholics with good books to win the war for the Faith.
The Regina Coeli House is accepting names of the deceased. We will place these names on our chapel’s altar to be remembered at the commemoratio pro defunctis of every Mass offered during the month of November.
From May to August, in addition to May crownings and rosary processions, chapels held Corpus Christi processions and events celebrating the end of the school year...
Our little Society, and the Traditional movement at large, started as the little mustard seed sowed by Archbishop Lefebvre. It has grown into a large tree and the birds of the air come and take refuge in its large branches. The U.S. District is one such ramification and, number-wise, it is today the largest one.