The Third Order of the Society of Saint Pius X
The Third Order allows the laity to participate more closely with the apostolic work of the Society of St. Pius X.
What is the Third Order?
"Third Order" signifies membership of the laity in a religious order. The laity has always been distinguished from clergy or religious. A third order gives the laity a degree of participation in what is proper to the clergy or religious.
Learn More about the Third Order >
The Importance of the Third Order Today
Letter from Fr. Pagliarani on the Third Order of the Society of Saint Pius X
The importance of the Third Order >
Sursum Corda - Newsletter
Sursum Corda is the newsletter of the SSPX's Third Order in the United States District. It is published by the Third Order chaplain.
What are the Origins of a Lay Third Order in the Church?
If a definition were to be given—a third order is an association of laity who are members in a religious order. It is in this light that Tertiaries are part of the family and truly members of any religious order.
Read More about the Canon Law Surrounding the Third Orders >
The Spirit of the SSPX by Archbishop Lefebvre
A compilation of five articles written by Archbishop Lefebvre in which he outlines to the SSPX's members the spirit of their priestly society.