Fr. Wegner speaks about the important role that Angelus Press fulfills in transmitting the Catholic Faith.
Dear faithful,
The 21st century is certainly an era of instant communications. With the speed of change in the virtual world, no one can imagine by what new ways and waves the message will reach its recipients. And yet, oddly enough, as the means of exchange grow, the weight of the message and its ability to find a captive audience diminishes exponentially. Much is said, but much about trivial things reaching mindless people.
Faced with these challenges, the SSPX is committed to transmit the legacy of the Catholic Church and of Archbishop Lefebvre in the Church and the world. This involves reaching people wherever we can through the media.
Social media demands that we be present online and that we unite our efforts in this matter. Today, people depend more on visuals than on the word for information and education. Yet, since “faith comes from hearing,” pride of place will always be given to the word, whether written or spoken. The printed press was the great means of reaching souls ever since Gutenberg’s Bible, St. Francis de Sales being its great advocate.
From the outset of its apostolate in the US, Archbishop Lefebvre set up Angelus Press for book publications. This includes The Angelus, a then monthly and now bimonthly magazine, to reach souls by the written word. The spoken word is the typical way of transmitting the Faith; this is done with the Sunday sermon, study circles, and catechism classes. The latest addition to this is the Angelus Press Conference, which gathers a large group of like-minded traditionalists for a weekend of educational and original talks on a theme pertinent to our day.
May this issue give our readers a taste for deepening their faith, a will to open a good book, a wish to subscribe to The Angelus and—why not!—attend the next Angelus Press conference.
I thank you for your tireless prayers and generosity.
With my blessing for you and your families,
Yours in Her Immaculate Heart,
Fr. Jurgen Wegner