Our little Society, and the Traditional movement at large, started as the little mustard seed sowed by Archbishop Lefebvre. It has grown into a large tree and the birds of the air come and take refuge in its large branches. The U.S. District is one such ramification and, number-wise, it is today the largest one.
Dear faithful,
“Nothing can be compared to a faithful friend, and no weight of gold and silver is able to countervail the goodness of his fidelity. A faithful friend is the medicine of life and immortality.”
What the Old Testament sage is saying about human friendship applies also to institutions.
Our little Society, and the Traditional movement at large, started as the little mustard seed sowed by Archbishop Lefebvre. It has grown into a large tree and the birds of the air come and take refuge in its large branches. The U.S. District is one such ramification and, number-wise, it is today the largest one. Established four decades ago, it has weathered the defiant and steady challenges of a decadent society and a handicapped Catholic Church.
As in any home, the family of Tradition gathered around the Society of St. Pius X has had many occasions to celebrate anniversaries and jubilees. This year, the harvest has been particularly abundant, among our senior priests, schools and chapels. The span of an entire generation dedicated to God’s service is proof of the perseverance of these veterans, of the vitality of our schools which have formed successive waves of Christian soldiers and handmaids, and of the unceasing prayers offered to God from His holy Temples.
The fidelity and dedication of priests, religious souls and lay folks alike, is a chance to thank God for all the good He has done through His all too human instruments. It affords us the occasion to remain loyal to the banner of Tradition. It is also the reason to ask for His unceasing blessing over this little flock of His. And may future decades deserve from these spiritual powerhouses the words of the Ecclesiasticus: “A new friend is as new wine: it shall grow old, and thou shalt drink it with pleasure."
I thank you for your tireless prayers and generosity.
With my blessing for you and your families, yours in Her Immaculate Heart,
Fr. Jurgen Wegner