The Vitality of the Society of St. Pius X in Asia

Source: FSSPX News

With its Christmas greetings, the St. Bernard Novitiate has the joy of presenting to our readers its brand-new sanctuary dedicated to Our Lady of Fatima.


St. Bernard Novitiate is situated on the island of Iloilo in the Philippines: it is dedicated to the formation of brothers and a period of discernment for pre-seminarians and pre-postulants who wish to enter the Society in Asia.

Three priests oversee this formation: Fr. Conrad Daniels, the prior, assisted by Frs. Emerson Salvador and Aurelito Cacho.

For their Christmas letter published on December 24, the entire novitiate gathered to wish its benefactors and the readers of FSSPX.News a “very holy and blessed Christmas. May the Christ child and His Holy Mother Mary, as well as St. Joseph, draw down upon you and your loved ones the blessing of Our Heavenly Father.” 

The arches of the façade to their church that was consecrated on May 13 by Bishop Bernard Fellay are now complete: “The two niches remain at present empty. One would be for St. Michael the Archangel, patron of the brothers, and the other for St. Elizabeth of Hungary, the patron saint of the Iloilo diocese,” explains the community of the novitiate.

Alas, there has been a major set-back: “the statues are half made … and then … the good artist was called by God.” Fortunately, the artist’s apprentices will be able to continue their master’s work.

“A big thank you for all you have done for us,” were the closing words from the priests, brothers, and future religious of the novitiate….May our generosity towards this fertile apostolate of the SSPX in Asia continue!