US District Superior Invites Faithful to Novena for the Queenship of Our Lady

Everyone is encouraged - where it is feasible - between May 23 and May 31, the Feast of the Queenship of Our Lady, to attend Mass for the intentions outlined in this letter.
Dear Friends,
As we conclude the month of Mary, most of you are undoubtedly aware of the unprecedented leak of the Supreme Court’s majority opinion in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization. This opinion could overturn the Court’s pro-abortion precedents. Since nothing is final until the Court officially rules, I want to invite you to fervently participate in a novena with the primary intention that the Supreme Court finally strikes down its principal pro-abortion decision, Roe v. Wade, and its effects.
Therefore, I am asking you to make prayers and sacrifices for these intentions:
- The overturning of Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood v. Casey in the Supreme Court’s final decision in Dobbs v. Jackson;
- For our country, for our judicial system's integrity, that all branches of government be dedicated to seeking the common good and protecting the lives of everyone from conception to natural death;
- For the conversion of those who advocate for abortion;
- For a new commitment to building an America where children are welcomed, cherished, and cared for; where mothers and fathers are encouraged and strengthened; and marriage and the family are recognized and supported as the foundations of a healthy and flourishing society.
- For Our Blessed Mother’s intercession and guidance as the Church continues to walk with mothers and families in need, promotes alternatives to abortion, and seeks to create a culture of life.
Since the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, in the words of Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, is the “great prayer of the Church,” I encourage everyone where it is feasible between May 23 and May 31, the Feast of the Queenship of Our Lady, to attend Mass for the intentions mentioned above. For those who cannot do so, privately pray and meditate on the Mass of the day in your missals. Unite yourself spiritually to the Masses offered by the priests of the Society of Saint Pius X for these intentions. As an additional act of spiritual combat, include these intentions with your daily Rosary, adding the Litany of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Litany of Loreto).
The fight against the scourge of abortion will not end, regardless of the Supreme Court’s decision. Already there are politicians and advocates devising ways to continue this barbaric practice. Without our prayers, the protection of Our Blessed Mother, and the merciful grace of God, there can be no victory.
With Blessings in Christ and His Immaculate Mother,
Fr. John Fullerton
District Superior - 05/20/2022