Update on SSPX Independent Review Board
As part of the United States District of the Society of Saint Pius X’s (SSPX) commitment to investigating allegations of abuse and offering assistance to victims, the Society has established an Independent Review Board as part of its ongoing Plan to Protect®.
The Independent Review Board will advise the U.S. District Superior and other designated individuals in the assessment of allegations, assistance to the alleged victim, appropriate measures regarding alleged abusers, civil and canonical procedures, and the administration of immediate pastoral measures. The initial Board members, whose names shall remain anonymous, consist of the following:
- A religious sister who has expertise in the areas of theology, pastoral care, religious institutions, and behavioral studies;
- A canon lawyer with suitable experience;
- A psychologist who, for many years, has a long history of working with both seminarians and convents;
- An attorney with extensive experience working with abuse cases;
- A retired agent of the Federal Bureau of Investigation;
- A traditional Catholic married couple with many children, some of whom have been adopted with special needs.
While the SSPX maintains a zero-tolerance policy regarding all forms of abuse, it recognizes that instances of abuse have already occurred. Moreover, even with best practices in place to prevent further incidences, the Society remains vigilant to investigate future accusations with the help of its Board. The Board has already begun working.
With our utilization of Plan to Protect® in place along with its Independent Review Board, the SSPX is committed to helping victims. Those who have suffered abuse are encouraged to visit the Society’s Plan to Protect® website and to contact the SSPX at [email protected] or toll-free at 1-833-727-7779. Victims are also encouraged to contact the relevant local authorities.
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