United States: Contradictory Signals From the President

In the space of a few days, the President of the United States has issued contradictory signals on certain divisive social issues.
The Biden Administration would have been better off without the President's latest speeches, as voters prepare to vote on November 8, 2022, in the midterm elections. The results are likely to upset the second half of the President's term.
On the afternoon of October 20, before returning to Marine One, his helicopter, Joe Biden stopped for a few moments to answer questions from Owen Jensen, a journalist from EWTN.
To the question of possible restrictions that should be placed on the so-called “right” to abortion, the American head of state answered bluntly: “Yes, there should be.”
And when Owen Jensen asked the President who had already turned around in the direction of Marine One, what those restrictions should be, Joe Biden turned to him one last time and shouted: “It's Roe v. Wade. Read it man. You’ll get educated!”
However, past statements by the Head of State, and the actual policy of his administration, have always been opposed to any restriction whatsoever relating to voluntary termination of pregnancy (abortion) in the country.
So on May 11, 2022, Joe Biden signaled his desire to sign the Women's Health Protection Act (WHPA), the most radical piece of abortion legislation to date, which would far exceed the Roe v. Wade ruling dating back to 1973, and overturned by the Supreme Court in a historic decision handed down on June 24—a signature depending on the result of the November 8th elections.
This does not take into account that, according to some experts in American constitutional law, Roe v. Wade actually contained, in principle, all the excesses leading to unrestricted abortion.
A few days later, on October 24, the President, when questioned by the progressive media Now This News, said he condemned the states which prohibit, or further restrict, the possibility for minors having sex change operations.
According to him, “no state or person should have the right to make such matters a matter of morality.” And yet, a few moments later, the same Joe Biden nevertheless made this subject a question of ethics, since he categorized the limitations imposed on minors who wish to change sex as “immoral.”
With such contradictory views being announced by the President, American Democrats have been reduced to nail-biting until November 8. According to a latest poll, the Republicans are now credited with an 80% chance of winning a majority in the House of Representatives, and the Democrats have seen their chance of establishing a majority in the Senate drop from 66% to 55%.
(Sources : FiveThirtyEight/National Catholic Register – FSSPX.Actualités)
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