SSPX to Offer Live Streamed Daily Mass for Faithful during Coronavirus

Source: District of the USA

In this unprecedented time, faithful are invited to participate spiritually with the intentions of our priests each day

While no recording can replace actual attendance at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, the priests of the Society of Saint Pius X hope that faithful who are deprived of the ability to attend Mass can unite their prayers in this way.

Certain people, such as the sick and elderly, have received dispensations from Sunday Mass attendance. ***Please note that witnessing the Mass on the television, computer etc. does not constitute "attendance at Mass" or fulfill one's Sunday obligation!***

Please follow this playlist on YouTube, and set a reminder to be notified when each Mass starts.  The playlist will be continually updated.

The videos will also be available to watch at a later time on the same playlist.

As Fr. Wegner, U.S. District Superior said in his letter of March 14,

As Catholics, we can take this threat as a real spiritual challenge. Let us learn to humble ourselves. We should turn toward God more fervently, giving ourselves in His hands. Let recognize God is in charge of this trial and ordeal, confiding in Him with total faith. Even though He can enter our lives with a glove of iron, we know it His loving hand that touches us.

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