"From COVID to Custodes" - The Work of the SSPX Continues
The District Superior for the United States, Fr. John Fullerton, recounts the challenges the Catholic Church has faced in the past 18 months, "from COVID to Custodes" and makes assurances of the Society of Saint Pius X's work throughout the United States and world...
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Dear Friends and Benefactors,
In this time of crisis, the perseverance and faith of our priests and laypeople have produced incredible fruits.
The number of our faithful has dramatically increased, with many coming to Tradition for the first time. Many of those displaced from their parishes by COVID policies attended Society Masses and confessions for the first time. Perhaps some came out of necessity, but many stayed after the restrictions were lifted.
The reason is not a mystery. As many states labeled Holy Mass as “non-essential,” diocese after diocese closed under government pressure. Beginning Easter of 2020, many bishops banned the celebration of the Holy Sacrifice. Others limited attendance and reverence by forbidding reception of communion on the tongue.
In contrast, the priests of the Society went to great lengths to provide the sacraments to their flock. Our priests, with the assistance of many dedicated faithful, worked tirelessly to comply with state and local regulations—celebrating outdoor Masses, rearranging seating to comply with social distancing guidelines, even offering quadruple the usual number of Sunday Masses to both serve the increase in faithful and keep the sacraments available to all.
sspx.org - 08/27/21