Consoling Sisters Acquire Beautiful Convent Built in 1603
The Consoling Sisters of the Sacred Heart have seen exponential growth in recent years, with more expected in the future. Recently, the sisters asked for your help - and they have passed along some extraordinary news:
Ave Maria!
Dear Friends,
After a long period of silence, while seeking God's will, we are writing to share the good news. We have finally been able to purchase the convent that will be called “Novitiate St. Joseph of the Consoling Sisters of the Sacred Heart”.
Last April we encountered difficulties purchasing the Lugnano property from the Diocese, which brought the transaction to a halt. Looking for God's will, we realized perhaps a different convent might be necessary. Through the intercession of St. Joseph, St. Rita, and St. Anthony (to whom we have been praying for this intention), we were soon brought to another ex-Capuchin monastery constructed in 1603 and dedicated to St Anthony of Padua. Within days, a verbal agreement had been reached. Deo Gratias.
After a time of prosperity, these Capuchins were forced to abandon their convent in 1860. The property was eventually turned into a Mediterranean/Byzantine style restaurant and hotel. This property has been closed for the last 9 years, but the owners kept a caretaker who would weekly make sure everything was kept in place. This being said, the place has been well kept.
This property is much closer to the Motherhouse in Vigne and has 5 hectares of land (12.35 acres) in a very quiet area in the midst of nature. The Capuchins’ original big church, transformed afterwards in a ball room, will again become the church. Obviously, everything is missing (main altar, side altars, pews, organ, stain glass windows, stations, etc.). There is also a little chapel in the garden, various big rooms, 24 bed rooms with bathrooms, and a big kitchen that needs some work.
Providence has really come to our aid. In fact, the owners, who are good Catholics, desired that the structure become a convent again, like it was before. They agreed to sell it for 1,400,000 euros, after recently turning down an offer of almost triple that amount. Thanks to generosity, we have already paid 1,180,000. We still have to pay 220,000 and various other expenses necessary to get everything running again.
How can we not sing praises in thanksgiving to God for this great gift through our benefactors? God is never outdone in generosity and gives back a hundredfold even materially on this earth. We have already begun cleaning and the first works necessary to enter and revive the religious life within these beautiful antique walls. We thank our benefactors for all they have done for us and continue to do for us. Their help has really been Providential through which God has been able to come to the aid of His future spouses. May He bless them abundantly with graces and blessings, and may Our Lady watch over them for the sanctification of their souls.
Suore Consolatrici del Sacro Cuore Vigne di Narni, 16 luglio 2021.
P.S. - Every Wednesday, the day dedicated to St Joseph, the Sisters offer sacrifices and prayers for all their benefactors.
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How to help:
Donations can be made by direct deposit, PayPal, or mail.
For mailed donations send checks to:
Friends of the Consoling Sisters of the Sacred Heart, Inc.
P.O.Box 2073
Post Falls, ID 83877
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Account no.: 789174207173
Routing no.: 325180595
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Many use TransferWise to minimize transaction fees. PayPal keeps 2.9% plus a fee for transfering money.
Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns. [email protected]
You can also do a direct deposit to:
(We suggest not sending checks to Italy because the banks do not always accept them) Suore Consolatrici del S. Cuore di Gesù onlus
Tel. 0039 (0)744 796406
e-mail: [email protected]
Intesa San Paolo
IBAN: IT45 C030 6972 7101 0000 0005 705
Specify: for the convent
Suore Consolatrici del Sacro Cuore Vigne di Narni,