Men's Ignatian Retreat: June, Winona

Winona, MN

Maybe we are seeking to overcome our dominant fault; maybe we are trying to discern God’s calling; maybe we are uncertain about an important decision; maybe we just need time to take a deep breath away from the hustle and bustle of daily life and contemplate the beautiful mysteries of our Faith...


Please mail completed forms to the Novitiate (address below), or email completed pdfs or scans to the secretary at: [email protected].

Note: If flying, please include your record locator number (confirmation number).  This helps us track your flight in case of unexpected changes to your itinerary.

Registration form >>



  • Holy Angels Novitiate

  • 21077 Quarry Hill Road
    Winona, MN 55987-4977
    United States

  • Phone: +1 507 454 8000
  • Visit the website