Regina Coeli Report: Mar-Apr 2014

This RCR issue is focused on the Communication Team of the SSPX's U.S. District Office.

Inside this Issue

Letter from the District Superior

Dear Faithful,

Faith comes from hearing”, says St. Paul, “and how shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard?” (Rom. 10) This was the very distressed thought of St. Francis de Sales as he was considering the poor souls of his diocese, inhabitants of the Chablais region, blinded by heresy, isolated, without interest in or access to the truth. How to reach them? How could he bring to them the light of the truth? Read more>

St. Francis de Sales: Patron Saint of Communications

St. Francis was so zealous to reach souls who had fallen away from the Church that he implemented new means of communications to win them back.  His story is a remarkable one and has parallels to the crisis in the Church today. Read more about this great saint and how you can join and participate in the St. Francis de Sales campaign.

Have You Heard?

The Communications Team of the USA District Office is devoted to keeping the public informed about the Society of St. Pius X and Catholic Tradition. Our team offers a variety of informational tools. Discover all the ways you can keep informed about Catholic Tradition. Read one woman's account of how reading the pieces from the e-mail updates from SSPX.ORG helped her return to the Faith.

Meet the Communications Team

Get to know Fr. Pierre Duverger, James Vogel and Louis Tofari, and learn about their roles in publishing books, The Angelus, the Regina Coeli Report, website and email updates and more.

Review: Archbishop Lefebvre: A Documentary

This documentary DVD presents the life of Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre at the center of a storm still buffeting the Church. Many have read of his stand against the post-conciliar reforms in matters of liturgy and the faith. Few know of his earlier life, and none have had the chance to view live footage of his African missionary and episcopal life. Retracing the itinerary of this son of northern France sheds much light on the decisions he would make at the crucial time of the Second Vatican Council.

Eucharistic Congress at La Salette Academy

Come to Olivet for three days of adoration, instruction, and contemplation, all centered on the very core of spiritual reality: the Holy Eucharist. May 11-13, 2014.

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