Dear Friends and Benefactors,
This May I will continue the custom of offering a Mass at the end of the month for all of your mothers. Please email them to [email protected] so that they may prayed for at that Mass.
Our mothers deserve to be prayed for, for all that they have done for us. We owe them the gifts of our lives, our education, our Faith. God has given them the blessing of sharing those gifts with us. No one can replace them in our lives, and we can never thank them enough for all that they have done for us.
Our mothers deserve even more respect, more prayers, now, when their vocation is under so many attacks. Divorce, contraception, immorality undermine the family while gender ideology attacks the very idea of a God-given maternal soul. We should show the brave women who have done so much for us and whose very lives rebuke the sins of our world all our love and support.
In honoring our mothers, we can’t forget God’s Mother and ours, Our Lady. I encourage you to join us in praying to her throughout the month of May by the devout recitation of her rosary and by praying her litany. Each one of us needs her support every day to be faithful to their vocation from God, to serve Him.
As I write this letter to you on the Feast of Our Lady of Compassion, I remind you that this became a first-class feast of the Society of St. Pius X in 2020. Echoing our previous consecrations, we prayed: “The souls also entrusted to us, we hand over to thee, that thou may guard them beneath thy motherly care. Finally, our apostolate we commend to thee, and we relinquish it that it may be wholly thine, O Queen of Apostles! Thus, our Society is now wholly thy domain!”
I would like to invite you to apply this intention to your own families: asking Our Lady to guard the souls entrusted to you, commending your families to Her, and finding peace in giving all to Her. The Seven Sorrows remind us that in all our troubles, between the crisis in the Church and the unique challenges in being a mother, we have an Advocate who understands and is eager to help us. I will bring all these intentions to the altar at the end of the month.
Our service of Our Lady also depends on you. Your donations enable us to continue our apostolates, to continue the fight to defend motherhood by continuing the battle of Tradition. Please consider making a donation today to us to help us do so.
My prayers and best wishes for Mothers’ Day and Our Lady’s Month of May go to your mothers and your families. I hope that you will join us in honoring Our Lady, in praying for all your mothers and in supporting our apostolate so that we may continue to serve all of you.
Sincerely yours in her Immaculate Heart,
Fr. John Fullerton
United States District Superior