Each one, must do his best to reform himself, because society is a mirror which reflects the spirit of the individual, of the family, of the city; and if each of us does his best to let Christ reign in his heart, then the whole society will be conquered for Christ — St. Pius X
Those words of our heavenly patron, St. Pius X, ring just as true as when he uttered them in 1894. He referred to the priests under his care, and the Church they cared for, threatened with upheaval. His yearly feast this September 3rd invites reflections on the Church he governed.
I wonder what he would say about the upheaval today in the Church he zealously guarded: the Mass he devoted his life to promoting and the doctrine he so clearly taught have not been protected by the clergy he so painstakingly nurtured.
The doctrinal and aesthetic pillar of Catholicism, the Tridentine Latin Mass, has been replaced by an ambiguous, ecumenical rite. Now, the growing number of adherents to Tradition and the integral Faith are being increasingly marginalized.
Flourishing Latin rite communities in major U.S. cities like Chicago are closed without recourse. Faithful Catholics in Arlington, Virginia will take recourse to praying the rosary in front of Diocesan offices to protest a ban on the Latin Mass in their diocese.
What would the Pope who cared so much for the instruction and Eucharistic piety of children say about the conduct of the clergy in face of the abortion issue? In America today, the sanctity of life is being defended at the highest court, yet, as one bishop in Texas pointed out, we lack clear teaching from many of our own bishops on the truth of the sanctity of life.
In these troubling times, the Society of St. Pius X, continues to remain faithful to its patron. Our houses of formation continue to form doctrinally sound clergy and religious, surpassing 1,000 members.
These members have been zealously at work in the spirit of their patron for your souls. Chapels are being bought or built to accommodate the increasing number of people who turn to us. Included among them is the Immaculata Church project in central Kansas, which will accommodate 1,500 faithful.
No less impressive is our work in education. Across the country our schools continue to educate the youth, from kindergarten through college, in God’s law, especially concerning the sanctity of every human life.
Throughout the turmoil of the COVID pandemic that touches nearly all of us, our priests continue to minister the traditional sacraments and preach the doctrine in line with the complete law of God.
To continue fulfilling this increasingly demanding task we depend upon your support. Please consider donating to support our work. Please consider helping us preserve this refuge for your souls.
The most Blessed Virgin Mary and Saint Pius X gave us an example of the battle against Satan, against errors, against Modernism. Instaurare omnia in Christo (“To renew all things in Christ”), to commend everything into Christ’s hands. The Blessed Virgin could have no other desire than the reign of her Son; likewise, Saint Pius X. (Archbishop Lefebvre, Thought for the Day, p. 118)
I hope that you will help us fulfill the desires of Our Lady and her faithful pope, Pius X.
In Christ,
Fr. John Fullerton
United States District Superior