District Superior's Letter: Mar-Apr 2014

Join the St. Francis de Sales Campaign! Help us to reach more souls of good will!

Dear Faithful,

Faith comes from hearing”, says St. Paul, “and how shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard? ” (Rom. 10)

This was the very distressed thought of St. Francis de Sales as he was considering the poor souls of his diocese, inhabitants of the Chablais region, blinded by heresy, isolated, without interest in or access to the truth. How to reach them? How could he bring to them the light of the truth?

Moved by his zeal for the salvation of souls, he found and implemented new means: flyers and overnight special delivery. It was a very new and shocking way to expose sacred doctrine: simple arguments on a reulgar sheet of paper. During the night a courageous crew of young men running from door to door, from village to isolated farms, becoming the first Catholic overnight private posting company. Accompanied with prayers and sacrifices, the efforts of the Bishop of Geneva were astonishing! 15,000 souls converted from Protestantism.

Is not the situation today a bit similar? Are there not many people confused and blinded by the errors spread inside and outside Holy Church? In the midst of so much information coming from so many sources—preachers, books, blogs, and websites—it is hard to find the truth with any security. In the jungle of the Internet, the tree of life is so difficult to identify!

How do we reach them? We offer you today the St. Francis de Sales Campaign. Help us to reach more souls of good will! You can participate in this campaign in three ways: send in names and e-mail addresses of those who should receive SSPX news; forward the E-pistola to your friends and family; say a Hail Mary for each new person you include in this campaign. 

We have been working to offer more and better access to the Faith, apologetics, news about Tradition and the Church. Our publishing house Angelus Press, our magazine The Angelus, our free newsletter Regina Coeli Report, and our website, SSPX.ORG are available for all.

Testimonies of people discovering us through these means manifest how effective these tools can be to answer the daily thirst of people around us. Please consider supporting and sharing our means of communication. Participate in our campaign. Be an apostle with us under the patronage of St. Francis de Sales!

In the Immaculate Heart of Mary,

Fr. Arnaud Rostand