The Angelus - Mar/Apr. 2024: Traditional Catholic Devotions

This issue of The Angelus is directed to fostering our life of prayer. Our faith is extremely rich and provides us with many beautiful resources for accessing God.

Dear Reader,

       During Our Lord’s time on this earth, He offered prayers to His heavenly Father, sometimes spending whole nights in prayer (cf. Lk. 6:12). The homage that He offered to the Father was the most perfect because of the dispositions of His human soul and the ardor of His love.
       The prayer of Our Lord is continued on this earth by the members of His Mystical Body, which is like an extension of His humanity. This is especially true at the liturgy, where Our Lord unites with us in the worship of God. This is why Pope Pius XII defined the liturgy as “the public worship which our Redeemer as Head of the Church renders to the Father, as well as the worship which the community of the faithful renders to its Founder, and through Him to the heavenly Father. It is, in short, the worship rendered by the Mystical Body of Christ in the entirety of its Head and members” (Mediator Dei, n. 20).
        Each Catholic, through the baptismal character imprinted on his soul, is capable of uniting with liturgical worship and so fulfilling on this earth the highest purpose of his being. What an unspeakable blessing it is for us to have the capacity, through Our Lord, to render to our heavenly Father the honor that is due to Him.
       Around the liturgy and springing from it, we have, in addition, a wealth of Catholic devotions. The Stations of the Cross, devotion to Our Mother of Sorrows, the Rosary, novenas, sacramentals, prayers to our patron saint and our Guardian Angel are just a few examples. They are efficacious and fruitful to the degree that they imitate the devotion of Our Lord’s own interior life.
       This issue of The Angelus is directed to fostering our life of prayer. Our faith is extremely rich and provides us with many beautiful resources for accessing God. At the same time, it is the quality of our prayer that counts the most. Our devotions are meant to assist us to truly devote or consecrate ourselves to our heavenly Father, as Our Lord did while on this earth and as He continues to do in Heaven (cf. Rom. 8:24, Heb. 7:25).
      Following the exhortation of Pius XII, let us strive to “always live in Christ and give ourselves to Him completely, so that in Him, with Him and through Him the heavenly Father may be duly glorified” (Ibid., n. 24).

Fr. John Fullerton

This Issue's Contents:


  • Devotional Headwaters: The Liturgy as a Source of Devotion
    Fr. Ian Andrew Palko, SSPX
  • Rediscovering Devotion to the Holy Face of Jesus
    Sarah Damm
  • The Rub of Rubrics: On Praying the Divine Office as a Layman
    Julian Kwasniewski
  • Mary Immaculate and the Miraculous Medal
    Michael J. Miller
  • “My Mother, make haste!”: Devotion to the Seven Sorrows
    Angeline Tan
  • Sodalities: Schools of the Catholic Apostolate
    Patrick Murtha
  • On Wayside Shrines
    Philomena Trause


  • ART  Three Ways to Approach Sacred Art for the Beginner
    Andrew Latham
  • REVIEW  Liturgy and Personality: How the Liturgy Forms the Human Person
    Isabella Childs


  • SERMON  The Words and Actions that Compose the Mass
    Abbe Claude de Vert, O.S.B. translated by Zachary Thomas
  • THEOLOGICAL STUDIES  One Piece at a Time: Piecemeal Piety and the Liturgical Solution
    Fr. Jonah Garno, SSPX
  • LITURGICAL STUDIES  Post-Conciliar Censorship in the Secrets and Postcommunions of Eastertide
    Matthew Hazell
    Fr. Paul Robinson, SSPX


Fr. Paul Robinson, SSPX


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