A full issue devoted to "The Domestic Church," which is more commonly known as the Catholic Family. Articles include studies on gender theory, St. Augustine's misspent youth, and the importance of fatherhood.
Dear Reader,
When the enemy army is besieging a city, the first thing the defenders need to protect are the outside walls, and when these fall, then the bastions and if these give way, one takes refuge into the citadel. And as long as the citadel is standing, however much they have accomplished, the enemies cannot be said to be masters of the place.
This seems to be the sad illustration of the state of our present Church. At the turn of the 21st Century, historians will recall this low ebb of faith and morals in a huge portion of Christendom. The spirit of the world has entered by the breaches open from within the Church walls. Treason has done its dirty work and the city of God is dangerously threatened. And now that the enemy is within, the good Christians are hard pressed to distinguish right from wrong and good from evil. The lines are no longer clearly drawn and it is the time for guerilla warfare or individual skirmish. and given up the fight for Christ the King. And, supreme irony of the modern-day movement: in the name of humanity, they wish to blur the lines between gen-ders, parents and children and procreation. Yet, this Godless world is fast generating a hellish world for modern man. Bastions of the Faith have capitulated to the liberals: the universities firstly, then some Church leaders have been mesmerized by the sirens and given up the fight for Christ the King. And, supreme irony of the modern-day movement: in the name of human-ity, they wish to blur the lines between genders, parents, children, and procreation. Yet, this Godless world is fast generating a hellish world for modern man.
Is anything safe anymore? Is the purity of the Gospel still found anywhere? These are valid questions and we, little flock and inheritance of Archbishop Lefebvre, would be bold to pretend to be the only and ultimate solution. Yet, though unworthy holders of “the traditions of our fore-fathers,” it is our privilege and pride to bring up high and strong the unchangeable principles of faith and morals. These have been the foundations of Christianity which have brought about the conversion of the pagan world of Rome. They have blossomed into the wonderful flowers of sanctity and art and doctrine of the high Middle Ages. These have been maintained despite the rough crises of the Renaissance and Protestantism, by the multiplication of the religious orders and genuine saints faithful to the Church of All Times.
May this humble effort of rediscovering the Christian principles of the family, which we love to call the Domestic church, prove useful to many a reader.
Fr. Jürgen Wegner