Immaculate Conception: a great feast!

In conjunction with the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, we offer a sermon of Archbishop Lefebvre and request prayers for those SSPX members who will be making their engagements in the priestly society on December 8th.
The Feast of the Immaculate Conception has great significance for the universal Church as well as in the United States, for under this dogmatic title, the Blessed Virgin Mary is the patroness of this country.
This Marian feast also has additional importance for the Society of St. Pius X, for the Immaculate Heart of Mary is also its patroness, thus this feast is a particular one for our priestly society. So it is on this day, December 8th, that the clerical members of the SSPX make their engagements, thus incorporating themselves into the Society, a pious union of priests who live in common life.
In connection with this great day, we re-offer the text of Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre's sermon given on this very day in 1972—to a fledgling Society of St. Pius X, whose members still mostly resided at the seminary in Econe. In this homily, the founder and then superior general of the SSPX, explains how Our Lady Immaculate is our refuge against all errors and heresies—thus through the triumph of her Immaculate Heart (as predicted at Fatima), the post-conciliar crisis will eventually end. But more importantly, Archbishop Lefebvre explains how we must at the present rely on Our Lady to keep ourselves free of every stain of sin—just as she was immaculately conceived.
Please keep in your prayers during these next few days (particularly on December 8th) those seminarians who will be making their first or renewed engagements into the SSPX. But most especially, please remember the Society priests who will be renewing or making their permanent engagements. May all of these clergy remain faithful to their priestly society of the Roman Catholic Church.