The Sacred Heart: A Collection of Devotions, Histories, and Meditations

June is the month Holy Mother Church designates as a time of special devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. This devotion reminds Catholics of one of the essential dogmas of the Faith, namely God's love for all men. At the same time, the Church invites the faithful to make reparations to the Sacred Heart for their own sins and those of the whole world. These reparations can come in the form of special prayers, acts of penance such as fasting, and almsgiving.
To assist Catholics on their spiritual journey during June, we present articles dedicated to the Sacred Heart curated from the U.S. District's archives.

A Month to Honor the Sacred Heart and Make Reparations
"...when 'there appeared to Him an angel from heaven' (Lk. 22: 43), in order that His Heart, oppressed with weariness and anguish, might find consolation."
These words, from Pope Pius XI’s 1928 encyclical beckon the faithful to cultivate a spirit of...

Heavenly favors bestowed through Sacred Heart
" had forgotten how to love, for he had forgotten what true beauty was. His heart of flesh seemed to him as a sort of excuse for his false love of false goods: his heart was but an outlet, whereby his soul could stray from heavenly things to the husks of earth, there to waste his power and his substance."

Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
An explanation about the feast of Christ's Sacred Heart, the devotion we should exercise towards the vessel of His great love for us and the lessons given through the festivity's Mass propers.
Origin of this festival...

Promises of the Sacred Heart
" those who desire to render and procure Him all honor and love possible, be enriched with divine treasures..."
What are these "divine treasures" St. Margaret Mary refers to?

Prayers to the Sacred Heart of Jesus
3 beautiful prayers at the link: Litany to the Sacred Heart, the Consecration of the Human Race by Leo XIII, and Act of Consecration by St. Margaret Mary.
Also, these and much more in the "Treasury of the Sacred Heart", from Angelus Press!

Consecration of the SSPX to the Sacred Heart of Jesus
O Heart of Jesus* we solemnly proclaim Thee the King of Love* over the Society of St. Pius X and all its apostolic works,* and on bended knee we beg of Thee to deign to rule over us,* O King of Love...