Writer scolds media about SSPX rumors

Source: District of the USA

An independent writer takes the media to task for falsely interpreting the declaration recently made by the SSPX's bishops.

Catholic World Report has just published an article by Michael Miller entitled, "The SSPX and the Rumor Mills" which our readers may find interesting. Mr. Miller takes the liberal Catholic media to task for misrepresenting the recent Declaration made by the SSPX's bishops when it clearly states the opposite of what they propose.

Here are some excepts from Mr. Miller's commentary:

The recent SSPX Declaration is a model of clarity and concision and well worth reading in its entirety...

If nothing else, the 1,400-word statement sent the rumor mills of Vatican watchers into high gear. Many news stories about the Declaration included the words “definitive break with Rome” in the headline...

If such “news stories” had been student essays, the professor would have returned them marked “Incomplete”, because they ignored the second paragraph of the Declaration...

Yet some progressive Catholic journalists, incapable of following a simple syllogism, twisted the careful statement of purpose in paragraphs 1 and 2 into its opposite, as though the Declaration were a schismatic manifesto..."

Read "The SSPX and the Rumor Mills at CWR>

NB: the views expressed by the Catholic World Report are not necessarily the SSPX's.