Sanctify your Lent with good reading!
See what spiritual reading Angelus Press has to offer to both adults and children for Lent.
Lent is nearly here and we would like to mention some Angelus Press offerings that can assist you to sanctify this important penitential season.
Recommendations for adults
Cross And Crown; A Lenten classic! 3 excellent, easy to read, sets of meditations by the famous preacher Fr. Robert Maeder and newspaper editor: 1) Thoughts for Lent; 2) Christ's Sufferings; 3) Christ the King.
On the Passion of Christ; This book is Thomas A Kempis' lesser known reflections on 35 various Gospel passages dealing with the Passion and Death of Christ, now newly translated into English.
Fifty Meditations on the Passion; Archbishop Alban Goodier, SJ:
These notes were written a long time ago... I used to notice how easily she [a religious sister] would fly along a line of contemplation if the tiniest suggestion were made to her, and several times I ventured to make such suggestions in the shape of points for meditation..."
The Way of the Cross: 13 methods of the Way of the Cross are presented in this manual which in addition to stirring meditations includes 4-color illustrations.
Characters of the Passion; Bishop Fulton Sheen: The Eternal Drama of the Cross! This inspiring book, written in 1946 by one of the Church's most prolific authors, discusses faith and the vital part it plays in our modern world. Using the stories of many of those who were influential in the life and death of Our Lord, Bishop Sheen gives us a better understanding of the Faith.
Friends of the Cross: A priceless booklet by St. Louis de Montfort. Each paragraph leads us to a greater understanding, appreciation, and love of the Cross that is our key to the gate of Heaven. Includes fourteen practical rules to follow in carrying our crosses in order to accept them generously.
Sacred Triduum Missal: A traditional missalette for Thursday, Friday, and Saturday of Holy Week according to the 1962 rubrics. This book contains the entire ceremonies for Holy Thursday evening, Good Friday's Solemn Liturgy and the Paschal Vigil with parallel Latin and English texts with rubrics in violet.
A few suggestions for children
My Holy Week Missal: 96 pages of beautiful illustrations and simple explanations to help a child understand and follow the Holy Week ceremonies. Includes explanations for the ceremonies of Palm Sunday, Holy Thursday, the Stations of the Cross, Good Friday, the Easter Vigil and Easter Sunday.
My Confession for Little Catholics: An invaluable resource for helping little Catholics understand God's personal love for them. It explains in terms children can understand: what sin is and how we must avoid it.
The Story of the Mass: An invaluable resource for helping little children understand not only the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass but also the entire idea of offering a gift, a sacrifice to God. The book reads as a favorite Grandmother might tell a child.
The Rosary for Little Catholics: An invaluable resource in helping little children pray the Rosary, beautifully illustrated on every page and written in a way that children feel Our Lady is speaking directly to them.