Communiqué of the Society of Saint Pius X

The American and Canadian districts of the Society of Saint Pius X are deeply affected by the conduct of their former District Superior, whose actions have wounded many souls and scandalized countless others.
On 4th April 2024, appearing before the criminal court in Gap (France), he admitted to sexual offences against minors, which occurred in France between 2003 and 2006, as part of his work with young people, and then again in 2013 and 2018 in a private context, also in France.
As far as we know, no crime was committed by this priest in the United States or Canada.
The Society of Saint Pius X does not have words strong enough to condemn these acts, which have irreparable consequences. It wishes to express its profound compassion for the victims, who it intends to support and help, as much as possible. It deeply regrets not having been able to protect the children entrusted to its care, and having placed its trust in this priest.
In 2014, after ambiguous and inappropriate attitudes were brought to their attention, the Society's Superiors withdrew the incriminated priest from the apostolate, entrusting him with administrative tasks without any responsibility, and under appropriate disciplinary supervision, firstly in Switzerland and then in Canada from 2019.
After his arrival in Canada, the Society's Superiors became aware of the existence of offences, under the jurisdiction of the courts, and they immediately reported them to the judicial authorities, in accordance with the norms in force in our society, and strengthened his disciplinary framework. Following this report, the necessary investigations were launched, culminating in the recent trial.
At no time and in no way were the actions of this priest covered-up by his Superiors.
Deeply distressed by this affair, the Society of Saint Pius X reaffirms its unwavering determination to do everything in its power to prevent the tragedy of pedophilia, and in particularly where priests are concerned. Its plan of vigilance for the protection of minors is the subject of regular reminders.
The Society of Saint Pius X also asks that we pray for the victims, who have been permanently wounded, after having their trust betrayed. It also asks that we pray for priests and for the Catholic Church, which has been tarnished by this new scandal. - 04/15/2024