SSPX Visit to the Huasteca Hidalguense - 2023

Source: District of the USA

From March 20 to 23, 2023, two priests and a deacon of the Society of Saint Pius X (SSPX) made a visit to the Huasteca people in the state of Hidalgo in Mexico (Huasteca Hidalguense) that was full of graces.

The community of the Huasteca Hidalguense does not stop growing with each visit made by the clergy in charge of the mission. It all started when some people from a very remote Mexican town discovered the Tridentine Mass and traditional Catholic life thanks to the Franciscan Mothers of Perpetual Help of Mary, cared for by the priests of the SSPX in Mexico City. They decided to ask the Society to visit them in their town, which is located more than six hours from the capital, to give them the spiritual food that souls need so much today.

Eventually, after several months, the mission could be carried out. The Society priests were able to celebrate the Tridentine Mass for the first time in that little town since the New Mass was introduced in 1969. They discovered a population anchored in the Faith, living simply according to the traditional customs of the Huasteca. A large portion of the population do not speak Spanish, but rather Nahuatl (an Uto-Aztecan language). After their arrival, the clergy discovered a new little chapel that the inhabitants had built just for their visit.

This year, the missionaries in charge of visiting the Huasteca were Frs. Clemense Kordeuter and Jesús Rivera, and Deacon Juan Gandía. They were accompanied by three faithful who helped them in various activities. During this visit, there were two catechism sessions each day, sung Mass every day, a bonfire, and the blessing of the faithful’s homes.

On the first day, March 20, they celebrated St. Joseph (San José). The priests wore the new cassocks that a generous donor had given them, and the acolytes proudly received the blessing of their new robes for the altar service. After sung Mass, they went down to the center of the town in procession carrying with them a precious image of the holy patriarch. They ended the festivity with the consecration of the mission to the earthly father of Jesus, thus uniting with all the chapels of the SSPX throughout the world.

The following days were full of activities, catechisms, rehearsals, trips to the river, and so forth. At night, illuminated by the brightness of the bonfire, the mission participants sang songs in Nahuatl and entertained themselves with games in which children, youth, and even adults participated.

The last day was used to bless many religious articles, especially the holy water that these people of great faith use as their only defense of their cornfields against raccoons, wild boars, and other intruders.

One or another tear had to be hidden at the time of the farewell. The next visit will take place, God willing, within six months. There will be much time of sacramental solitude, but God will listen to the prayers of His faithful and give His blessings.