New Book for Lent - Toward Easter: Day by Day

Source: FSSPX News

On Ash Wednesday Lent began. Over the years, how many resolutions have we made, then almost immediately abandoned during this period of prayer and penance?

To help us make Lent 2020 a less ordinary Lent—unfortunately ordinary or ordinarily unfortunate—Fr. Patrick Troadec had the excellent idea of composing a collection of texts upon which to meditate, making each day a step on the ascent to Good Friday, before the joy of the Easter Resurrection. His Toward Easter: Day by Day is more than a title, it is a practical order to be followed, with gradual efforts. Day by day, on a daily basis, in one’s duty of state, in the home and at work.

Forty days can be intimidating, but a day-to-day Lent is something all souls can handle: one resolution after another, “at the pace of love.” This collection is presented in the form of a datebook, presenting a daily rendezvous with the liturgy, the Fathers of the Church, spiritual authors…who all tell us: “If thou didst know the gift of God” (Jn. 4:10). And Fr. Troadec tells the reader:

These words Jesus said to the Samaritan are addressed by Our Lord today to each one of you. Doubtless most of you know God and have Faith in Him. But this Faith needs to be upheld, fueled, fed with reading and reflection. And Lent, along with Paschal tide, is the most beautiful and the richest period of the entire liturgical year, and above all the most conducive to spiritual renewal. Indeed, each day in Lent has its own Mass that contains a true treasure… 

It is this extraordinary treasure that is offered to us day after day.

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